
Pull up an easy chair or a floor pillow or whatever you use for relaxing when you are settling in for a good read. I personally like to have my books with a coffee, so feel free to join me in a cup if you want.

I’ve been a lifelong reader. In fact, I don’t remember learning to read. As far back as I can remember I always knew how to read and how to swim. Everything else, especially math, not so much.

Some of my favorite childhood memories are of going to the library with my dad. I always looked forward to our weekly visit when I would check out the latest mystery books in the youth category. Pretty quickly, I blew past everything they had on those shelves, and in early elementary school I graduated to my dad’s books, especially Rex Stout, Agatha Christie, and Earl Stanley Gardner. I was always a fast reader, so it wasn’t unusual for me to dive into the stack of books my dad had brought home for himself before we could make our next visit to the library. If you don’t have a library card, I highly recommend one for everyone in the family. Books open up an entire world and allow for unfettered exploration, all from the comfort of your own home.

The plan for this blog is to post critiques of my latest reads with an emphasis on upcoming and newly released books. From time to time I’ll also include some critiques of past favorites in the hope I can introduce some people to authors who, while not new, may be new to them.

Happy reading.